Fruits to reduce creatinine level
Creatinine is a waste product produced by the body after the breakdown of a substance called creatine. Your body constantly produces creatine as a part of muscular activity, out of which creatinine is left. Creatinine stays in the blood until your kidneys eliminate them through the urine. In a person, the increased blood creatinine range marks the possibility of severe kidney damage. Under normal conditions, the creatinine may also remain high but that is for a short time span. If your creatinine has been high for three consecutive tests, it means you need to look after your health. Also, men and women tend to have a different creatinine range under normal conditions. In men, the creatinine range between 0.6 and 1.2 while in women 0.5-1.1 is considered normal.
Chronic kidney disease is often managed with the help of a diet and ayurvedic medicines. Diet is crucial to bring down or attenuate the increased blood creatinine range. Or exercise is also an option for the people.
Here in this blog, we have curated a list of fruits that can help to reduce creatinine levels.
Ayurvedic treatment to reduce creatinine level
Fruits to Reduce Creatinine Levels
Fruits rich in dietary fiber helps to reduce creatinine levels to a large extent in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease. Fresh fruits are a great option for you. Nevertheless, you can also consume a variety of antioxidants and flavonoid-rich fruits that help to reduce oxidative stress within the body. But make sure to avoid fruits that are rich in potassium or phosphorus, as they may worsen your health situation.
Medium-size apple has 158 of potassium and 10 mg phosphorus. Apples have been known to improve cholesterol levels, heart function, and reduce the risk of cancers. High in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties, apples are really good for your kidneys. Apples are a very versatile fruit that can be eaten alone as the first thing in the morning or consumed baked or as apple sauce.
Half-cup serving dried cranberries have 5 mg phosphorus, 24mg potassium, and 2mg sodium. Cranberries are tangy and tasty fruits you can consume to protect against urinary tract infections. They help prohibit the growth of the bacteria and prevent them from gluing into the wall of the bladder. Consuming cranberry also protects the stomach from ulcer-triggering bacteria and promote GI health. Cranberries also protect against cancer and heart disease, if consumed after the doctor’s recommendations.
These berries are berry much rich in antioxidant phytonutrients called anthocyanidins, a pigment to embrace the blue color of the berries. The natural compounds in the blueberries help reduce inflammation, a reason for the increased risk of chronic kidney disease and creatinine. They are loaded with vitamin C, manganese, and fiber that keep your bones healthy and promote digestion. To meet your daily dose of blueberries, you can consume them fresh, frozen, or dried, and try them in cereal.
Another set of berries that contain a phytonutrient called ellagic acid that neutralizes free radicals in the body and prevent cells from damage. They also have flavonoids, anthocyanins, antioxidants that prevent the risk of several forms of cancers. In addition, they are an excellent source of manganese, vitamin C, fiber, and folate. You can freeze them during the summers and consume to quench your thirst.
Cherries are known to have anti-inflammatory properties needed to boost kidney function in CKD patients. They are laden with antioxidants and phytochemicals that keep the heart function going.
Red grapes
If we talk about Red grapes, each half serving has only 1 mg sodium, 88 mg potassium, 4 mg phosphorus. Just like berries, Red grapes are also rich in flavonoids that protect the heart against any disease and attenuate the blood clots formation. Resveratrol, a flavonoid found in grapes, trigger the production of nitric oxide which helps relax muscle cells present in the blood vessels. This way, blood flow is promoted. Flavonoids also protect the inflammation within the kidneys so that the filtration process never gets inhibited. If you are fluid restricted during kidney disease, you may want to consume it as a snack or in a salad. Juices are usually restricted during kidney disease.
So, these fruits can be consumed by kidney patients upon dietician’s advice. If you are on dialysis, your dietician may want you to avoid these fruits or take special precautions when you have very high creatinine levels. Consuming fruits that are high in potassium and phosphorus may do more harm than good. So, it is important that you take charge of portion control also. Avoid consuming an excess of anything as even low potassium content may be high if binge consumed.
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